Broman Group has been awarded and recognised many times throughout the
years for its successful operation both nationally and internationally. The group has,
for example, received the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2009.
Here you can read more about our latest news, awards and recognitions and our
annual reports.
Read more about our goals, successes and milestones by downloading our Annual Reports.
Broman Group has been awarded for its large success as a family-owned and family-run company in 2013 (Top Family Business of the Year at the International Campden European Family Business event), in 2015 (Family Business of the Year by Perheyritysten Liitto) and in 2017 (Family Entrepreneur of the Year at the EY Entrepreneur of the Year awards).
Its striving to be a customer-driven, responsible and effective business model has also not gone unappreciated. Broman Group takes pride in always prioritising its customers and giving them the best help the industry has to offer, which was awarded in 2021 (Sales Organization of the Year by MMA Finland). Much time and effort has also been allocated towards more efficient logistic centres and more sustainable energy-efficiency, which have been recognised in 2022 (Sisälogistiikan Innovaatio award by Finnish Association of Purchasing and Logistics LOGY) and 2023 (Energy-efficiency award by City of Hyvinkää).
The group has also been recognised for their important role in Finnish society and the industry in 2000 (National Entrepreneur of the Year by Suomen Yrittäjät ry), and for their continuous contribution to Finnish culture, sport and national defence in 2011 (Regional Developer Prize by the Reqional Council of North Karelia).