Our core values at Broman Group are responsibility, profitability, customer orientation, entrepreneurship and renewal. Our customers are our inspiration and our top priority.
Part of our daily decision making is planning how to meet our customers’ needs in a faster and better way. We also strive to act responsibly, efficiently and diligently and to make smart choices to support and protect the environment and community around us.
Entrepreneurship and renewal are the corner stones of Broman Group’s development and success together with the lifelong relations with our suppliers and partners we wish to have.
At Broman Group responsibility means honesty and keeping promises. We respect each other and act responsibly in all our customer and partner relations. We support a variety of local and national associations and care about the environment.
Like other companies, Broman Group strives for profitability. By working in a profitable manner, the company can grow, create new jobs, build new stores and open new services. We make realistic goals for the company and reward our employees for good work and good results.
Our staff’s competency and professionality are what make the company so successful. We help our customers through tailored customer experiences, products and services. Our products and services are developed with the help of our customers’ feedback and wishes. We strive for exceptional customer satisfaction with the help of frequent evaluations and questionnaires.
Every one of us at Broman Group breathe entrepreneurship. We always do our best and improve our work. We are proud of what we do and seek opportunities to grow professionally. Our leaders encourage, guide and support their teams to perform well every day. We carry the family business background with pride.
We are open to change. We actively improve our work and working environment. We encourage each other to seek solutions and think outside the box. New business models and ideas are not always successful, but small risks are welcome and we are not afraid of failing and trying again.
Our values are implemented at all stages of production and business management: purchasing, sales, marketing, logistics and internal operations. We aim for exceptional performance and the best assortment and price-quality ratio.
Strong leadership and great teamwork are the reasons for our success. Our employees work together for a welcoming work environment by respecting each other, communicating openly and giving encouraging feedback. We give new employees solid grounds to start on and inspire our colleagues. By offering trainings and schooling opportunities, we keep our employees up to date and urge them to keep learning and growing.